Gas grills are one of the most beloved pieces of outdoor equipment and a favorite cooking method for several reasons. They're easy to use and forgiving because there's no open flame or hot coals. But what do gas grills look like on the inside? What makes it work? This article will take a closer look at the anatomy of a gas grill so that you can better understand how your grill works and learn some tips about maximizing its potential.

Understanding How Gas Grills Work

A gas grill is a device that cooks with natural gas or propane. The most popular household barbecue is 36 inches wide and 24 inches deep, and it comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. A typical gas grill has two to four burners and warming racks above the flames so you can simultaneously cook numerous dishes. The focal point of an outdoor kitchen, a gas grill, may be purchased for custom built-in grill island installations or freestanding with a matching cart and stand for extra storage and stability.

Let's look at the various components of your gas barbecue, as well as what each one does and how it interacts with the others to create delectable meals.

Cooking Grates

The cooking grates are the component of your grill that gets the most usage, as they come into direct contact with the food. They must be well built and long-lasting to endure the full heat of the burners since they are exposed to the most wear and tear of any area on your barbecue. It is critical to clean them regularly to prevent food from sticking and excess buildup of carbon, which is a fire hazard.

After each use, scrape your grates with a grill scraper to keep them clean. This procedure removes any extra grease and food particles, preventing the formation of a thick soot layer that can result in flavorless meals or flare-ups during cooking.


Understanding How Gas Grills Work

The burners are, without a doubt, the essential element of any grill. They contain gas and release heat via vents on the top side, which is why they're generally made of stainless steel or cast iron. They must be built to withstand a lot of strain; otherwise, they would fracture and need to be replaced frequently, as with a cheap grill.

You might not think about it, but your grill's burners are what give life to the heat that will eventually make those delicious grilled veggies. Inevitably, food and grease droppings will drip onto them, compromising their heat transfer capabilities. Without them correctly maintained with a little bit of oil and some elbow grease now and then, you'll have an uneven flame, leading to poor grilling experiences. 


Barriers are a necessary part of your grill because they help protect the burners and distribute heat evenly. They minimize flare-ups and extend the life of your grill by incinerating drippings away from your burner's surface so they don't accumulate in one place. They need to be cleaned regularly since most of the scrapings from the grill grates will fall on them and impact their function.

Venturi Tubes

Venturi tubes deliver gas and air into burners, which produces heat for grilling. The burners need a lot of oxygen to provide all that heat, and the venturi tube system controls fuel flow by regulating the amount of flame produced by burning gases with oxygen during cooking time. Pests like spiders that crawl inside when inactive or the adverse wear from the elements over time can require maintenance and cleaning.

Understanding How Gas Grills Work

Control Knobs

Grilling enthusiasts and most amateurs know about the control knobs on a gas grill. The burner control knob is used to turn your fire up or down by adjusting gas flow to the burners. When a fire has broken out, they can use these knobs to kill their fuel source by turning them off. For safety's sake, they must replace this part as soon as it becomes unreliable.


The igniter or ignition system sparks a flame and makes it easy for your fuel source to connect with the burners. There are several types of ignition systems. The most popular are piezo starters, which use a tiny spark to create a flame. The other is a spark generator that uses a battery or electrical current to ignite the fuel.

Temperature Gauge

The temperature gauge helps you cook your food by measuring the temperature inside your grill. If you have not used one before, it's helpful to watch this at all times for more precise cooking and meat preparation.

Grease Tray

Grease trays collect excess grease and food particles that fall through the grates and off the barriers during the grilling process. You should regularly empty and clean it to prevent overflow, corrosion, food contamination, and fire hazards.

American Made Grills Redefine the Gas Grilling Experience

Understanding How Gas Grills Work

Gas grills are simple machines, but knowing the essential components will assist you in properly caring for your purchase. Every gas grill works differently depending on its size or type, so double-check the user guide to ensure proper maintenance and usage.

American Made Grills are high-performance luxury grills that are made to redefine the outdoor grilling experience. Say goodbye to the common issues of cheap grills; American Made Grills bring the best components, features, and design together in one package. Build your grill today!

Now that you know how your gas grill works, it's time to get cooking!

November 02, 2021 — Jason Klein